The Two Sex Paths

Oct 8, 2023    Eddie Williams

Join us as we explore the profound impact of sex and marriage in our society. Listen in as we navigate through the increasing trends of promiscuity, divorce, cohabitation, and sexual trauma, yet acknowledge that these advancements are fraught with complications. As we traverse the biblical vision of relationships and the body found in the Song of Solomon, we challenge whether its relevance remains in our current times. We also dissect the media's portrayal of sex and discuss the church's often muted stance on this significant topic. 

We'll work to understand the divine design for sex within the context of marriage, taking inspiration from the third chapter of Song of Songs. There's a stark contrast between Solomon's flashy, enticing but ultimately hollow path and the main characters' genuine, wholesome love. Society often gets swayed by the superficial, but the true joy and fulfillment lie in following God's path. Listen in as we address the significance of physical, spiritual, and emotional intimacy in relationships, and the necessity of wisdom and approval from trusted circles when choosing a spouse.

Lastly, we reflect on the transformative power of faith and the importance of passionate and faithful relationships as depicted in the Song of Songs. We examine the emotional, spiritual, and sexual aspects of marriage and encourage listeners to persevere in their marital struggles, understanding that sacrifice often paves the way for beautiful redemption. We also contemplate the true purpose of sex in marriage, highlighting that it's more than just physical satisfaction, it's a reflection of the ultimate joy and peace we experience in our relationship with God. Finally, we discuss the healing power of Jesus, acknowledging how divine grace can mend even the most fractured relationships.


Sex, Marriage, Promiscuity, Divorce, Cohabitation, Sexual Trauma, Biblical Teachings, Song of Solomon, Intimacy, Wisdom, Relationships, Joy, Peace, Healing, Transformation, Jesus, Reconciliation, Regret, Holy Spirit, Marriage