The Greatest Thing Ever

Sep 10, 2023    Eddie Williams

Join us as we embark on an exploration of the purpose and meaning of sex and marriage in our culture today. We investigate the implications of the Song of Solomon, which has guided us through a Biblical vision of these themes for thousands of years. Listen in as we discuss the effects of cultural rebellion against the values of Judeo-Christian marriage, and how godly marriage serves as a window to a future reality where we will experience ultimate pleasure. We stress the need for clear communication about these themes in our modern society. 

This journey takes us deep into the Bible to gain a better understanding of sex and marriage. We start with the body, an often misunderstood, yet relevant jumping off point, and explore why the Bible teaches that sex in the context of a godly, covenantal marriage is considered the best thing ever. We also delve into why society may not share the same opinion--taking a hard look at the consequences of the fact-value split and the person-body split at play in our society. 

Finally, we explore the importance of understanding our sin nature and how it encourages us to hate ourselves, while God gives us much to love about who we are. Our bodies matter to God and are bought with a price--leading us to the revival of holiness and the comprehension of sexuality, sexual freedom, and gender identity in our culture today. Our discussion reminds us that our bodies are not ours, but God's, and that we should glorify Him with them. Tune in for this enlightening discussion that encourages us to live in sync with our created self and find purpose in God's love.


Sex, Marriage, Bible, Song of Solomon, God's Love, Bodies, Holiness, Identity, Self-Love, Sovereignty, Morality, Ethics, Doxa Church, Redmond, Seattle