What's My Role In God's Story?

Apr 14, 2024    Justin Kim

Have you ever caught yourself putting more effort into your daily grind than into the spiritual work that's supposed to be at the center of your life? It's a common struggle, and one that the prophet Haggai knew all too well as he urged the Israelites to focus on rebuilding God's temple. In this, the second sermon of our Haggai series, we tackle the distractions that can lead us away from our divine calling and share personal insights on the tug-of-war between worldly tasks and heavenly purposes. We discuss how, amidst the chaos of our own "construction projects," we can find the strength and inspiration to prioritize God's work, just as Haggai encouraged the Israelites amidst their challenges.

Ever felt like your spiritual life is in a slump, overshadowed by the endless pursuit of personal achievements? We've all been there, and in this sermon, Pastor Justin gives us a heartfelt reminder to recalibrate our focus. As we navigate through the valleys of comparison, discouragement, and the daunting nature of our missions, we uncover the joy in contentment through Christ and the renewed perspective it brings to our lives. Together, we confront the realities of maintaining a God-honoring outlook and the impact it has on how we approach our every day.

This sermon reminds us that we are all living stones, intricately placed together in building up God's Church. Our discussion illuminates the beauty of discipleship and gospel hospitality, and how these acts of love play a crucial role in expanding God's kingdom. We invite you to invest in the lives around you and to see your role in the grand design of God's unfolding story.


Faith, Commitment, Haggai, Israelites, Responsibilities, Distractions, Rebuilding, Temple, Provision, Guidance, Fulfillment, Relationships, Discipleship, Hospitality, Faith, Doxa, Church, Redmond, Seattle, Eastside