The Persistent Widow

Mar 17, 2024    Eddie Williams

Have you ever felt like your prayers are just echoes in a vast void? You're not alone. In this latest sermon, we grapple with the power of persistent prayer, as demonstrated by the Parable of the Persistent Widow. Pastor Eddie peels back the layers of Jesus' parable, revealing the profound truth about our communication with the Father. It's a discussion that challenges the heart of our faith--especially when faced with society's comfortable complacency. 

Can expressing doubt, confusion, and suffering actually deepen our connection with the Almighty? We engage in this dialogue, emphasizing the transformative effect that comes from aligning our desires with God's plan through prayer—whether it's our pain, joy, or the uncertain spaces in between. Prayer is more than just a wish list—it's a conduit for spiritual awakening and engagement with God's presence. We would invite you to come boldly to the Father who loves you deeply and wants the best for you--so ask Him!


Parables, Prayer, Gospel of Luke, Persistent Prayer, Losing Heart, Despair, Deconstruction, God's Kingdom, Comfortable Society, Urgency, Trust, Spiritual Growth, Unanswered Prayers, Divine Realities, Spiritual Awakening, Engagement, God's Presence, God's Power, Jesus, Gospel, Gospel-Centered, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Redmond, Seattle