The Rich Man & Lazarus

Mar 10, 2024    Eddie Williams

Have you ever considered the true cost of your worldly pursuits, or what it means to live a life rich in spiritual wealth? This weeks sermon is a deep-dive on heaven and hell as we navigate Jesus's parable of the rich man and Lazarus, highlighting the stark contrasts between temporary riches and the treasures of God's Kingdom. As Easter approaches, let this be your guide to reevaluating where your heart truly lies, and whether your lifestyle choices reflect the eternal values that matter most.

Confronted with Jesus's sobering warnings in Luke 13, we're urged to reflect on the dire consequences of neglecting God's path. We tackle the difficult truths about the reality of hell and the urgency for repentance while embracing the lifesaving grace offered through Jesus's mission. This isn't just theological musing; it's a clarion call for genuine discipleship. Step into a life of authenticity, shedding the trappings of religious identity, and embark on a transformative journey of faith that promises hope beyond our earthly existence.


Parables, Jesus, Rich Man, Lazarus, Wealth, Afterlife, Kingdom of God, Discipleship, Hell, Repentance, Grace, Scripture, Belief, Salvation, Faith, Forgiveness, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Seattle, Redmond