Doxa Church,

We're so grateful that your church family has reached out to pray and support the community of Maui.

Our church body has mobilized to meet the tremendous need here on Maui- thank you for being with us as we are the hands and feet of Jesus right now.  

We are holding onto the words of the Apostle Paul, "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 

The devastation in Lahaina is so tragic and hard to comprehend. The casualty numbers are increasing as search teams continue their work, and we grieve for those in our community who are learning that they have lost loved ones. We know many who have lost their homes and businesses. We are so grateful for all of our firefighters and emergency responders.  The stories that are coming out are heartbreaking- we have a long road of physical, emotional, and spiritual care ahead of us.  It will take years to rebuild physically, and much longer to care for the souls of all those affected.

The outpouring of love and help these past few days has been incredible:
•We’ve sent many truckloads of donations over to Lahaina, as well as donations on boats, and we’re continuing to get more to Lahaina every day
•Our Kokua fund is set up for those in the community who need it most- immediate needs of supplies and money for groceries are being given out daily
•Hope Chapel Kids Ministry is going into shelters to set up craft tables and activities for children, and backpacks of school supplies are being packed and given out
•Teams are forming to visit shelters to give bibles, pray, and counsel people who have been displaced
•Countless members are housing those who’ve been displaced

•We’re partnering with our local missions to help them do the work to minister to those in need
Maui Rescue Mission has a shower unit and resources to help the homeless community that has now increased by the thousands.
Vertical Sports, our sports ministry, is sending teams to spend time with the kids and youth at the shelters and run sports activities on site.
Village of Hope ministers to foster kids. We are working with them to fill backpacks with essential items, toys and a bible, to give to all the children and youth that have lost everything.
We're a Maui Food Bank collection center, ready to distribute food, and also partner with Feed My Sheep to distribute food and fresh produce.

Pray with us- pray that Jesus would comfort those who are grieving the loss of loved ones, their homes, and their livelihoods. Pray for our firefighters, first responders, and those who are working tirelessly to help those in need. Pray for all of us, as the church, to mobilize and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you for praying alongside us.

We know the needs will continue to grow as the days, weeks, and months go on. We are committed to helping every family, financially, emotionally and spiritually to bring Hope all through and for Jesus! If your members can support any of these efforts, please ask them to visit our Maui Fire Relief page at and donate to the Kokua Fund.  100% of donations to the Kokua Fund go to those in the community who need it most. Shipping containers of physical supplies are now arriving from around the world, so financial resources will allow us to be most agile in our response as the needs pour in.

Thank you again for your support and prayers. We will keep you updated on all of the ministries and the needs here.  We thank God for you!  Please continue to pray for us.