As we approach the end of the calendar year, many members prepare to give a significant portion of their financial support to the local church. Here are a few of the most common questions we are asked this time of year:

Can I give non-cash gifts?
Yes. We partner with third-party organizations that specialize in this work (NCF, Fidelity Charitable are examples). Reach out to Pastor Tim with additional questions here.

What are the different “buckets” that I can give to at Doxa?
Right now we are asking all members to give a special gift out of their wealth to Onward, the effort to close on the purchase of our building. Additionally, we need our members to give from their income to the general fund and finish the year strong. We typically receive a very significant portion of our annual budget that keeps Doxa functioning through the new year.

What is the greatest need at Doxa right now?
The greatest need is for our church to have a strong December in our general fund, which provides for the making of disciples all year round.  

When will I receive my 2022 Tax Giving Statement?
All members will receive giving statements by the end of January. Some additional time of preparation is needed because of our giving platform transition that occurred in 2022.

Thank you for your gospel generosity, Doxa! Any other questions? Let us know HERE.